Saturday, November 8, 2008

Be prepared for troubles on the road!

This post is dedicated to those inevitable troubles along the way. On this trip, we had 2 big ones, a sick toddler and a shredded tire!

A sick toddler is no fun at all. About 30 minutes into our trip, Natalie threw up all over her clothes and into her car seat below her. Luckily, it did not get onto the floor or onto her siblings on either side. We QUICKLY pulled over to the nearest gas station to figure out clean up!

I broke 3 of my rules that I strongly recommend for car travelers: 1) Always have an extra pair of clothes easily accessible (like in your diaper bag), 2)have a few ziploc bags on hand, and 3)stash a roll of paper towels under the seat. Unfortunately, the only pairs of clothes we had were tucked in suitcases under EVERYTHING in our trailer. It took a little effort to get a new pair out. Josh was able to go into the gas station to buy the paper towels and get a plastic bag to put the yucky clothes into, but it would have been better if I had those already to help with immediate assistance.

After we pulled Natalie out, undressed her, cleaned her off with regular baby wipes (luckily, her clothes and the car seat got most everything), I turned my attention to the car seat. Josh had also bought orange-scented Clorox wipes. After taking up half a paper towel roll with soaking up gunk in the car seat, I used the Clorox wipes to go after the car seat straps and scrub the car seat itself. I then loaded extra paper towels all over the area and placed Natalie back in her seat. It worked for the 2 1/2 hours we had left to drive until we could take the car seat apart to wash it.

Yuck! I kept an empty Sonic cup very close at hand the rest of that drive to hopefully catch anymore "grossness." I occupied Natalie with other items for the rest of the trip and avoided food for 1 1/2 hours just to be safe. Then, I gave her a little bread and water to see how she would do. Happily, we arrived without any more troubles. I wish I would have been more prepared...Sorry no picture of this incident! I am sure no one will mind :)

Our trailer tire shredded on us as we were driving home. Luckily, we were able to slowly pull off the road without an accident. I had to break out items from my surprise bag and food stash to keep kids occupied while we figured out what we had to do to get on our way.

We ended up leaving our trailer at a gas station and then finding a Wal-mart several miles back. We were able to eat lunch at the Subway there, use their restrooms, and look at the toys while the auto department hooked us up with a new tire. I was very thankful for one-stop shopping!

Sticky tape!

A preschooler can have loads of fun with a strip of scotch tape! I stash a whole roll in my bag and when the kids need something new to play with, I tear off a very long strip. Zack had a great time sticking it to the chair, his legs, his head, etc.

Fascinating times with measuring tape, Bingo boards, and puzzles!

These 3 simple items provide a long time of entertainment for my 2 year old!

Cheap 99-cent measuring tape (I got mine from Hobby Lobby) made for fantastic entertaining! What fun to pull out all the tape and then wind it back up with the push of a simple button. Very easy for little fingers. I bought 3, one for each of my kids! The measuring tapes added additional fun to my 6 year old, as she liked to measure things around her. My 4 year old has just as much fun as my 2 year old with this "toy."

These old fashioned Bingo boards are great! My older two love to look for the pictures and then close the windows when they find them, while my youngest loves opening and closing all the windows over and over again.

Puzzles by Melissa & Doug are great for the car because there are no loose pieces! On this one below, your child moves all the cars, trucks, buses, etc. to their proper "homes."

Monday, October 6, 2008

Sticky Note Fun

A pad of sticky notes adds a whole lot of fun. Kids can use them to draw on and then stick on the windows, or just have a whole of fun making designs on the windows or themselves.

Here's an example of my daughters fun:

Entertainment with the iPod

Ashley and Zack love to listen to "their special list" of music on the iPod. Here they are happily sharing headphones to listen. I think next time I'll get a splitter for two separate headphones, but they shared great here!

I think next on my "to buy" list would be a iPod shuffle for each one . . .

Friday, October 3, 2008

Pleasing a toddler

A toddler can be very difficult to travel with. Here are some great tips I have found to keep my youngest entertained...

Stickers work great! I put a whole page of stickers on her arms/legs and let her have a great time pulling them off, moving them around, etc.

A cupful of small ice cubes also works wonders...