Monday, October 6, 2008

Sticky Note Fun

A pad of sticky notes adds a whole lot of fun. Kids can use them to draw on and then stick on the windows, or just have a whole of fun making designs on the windows or themselves.

Here's an example of my daughters fun:

Entertainment with the iPod

Ashley and Zack love to listen to "their special list" of music on the iPod. Here they are happily sharing headphones to listen. I think next time I'll get a splitter for two separate headphones, but they shared great here!

I think next on my "to buy" list would be a iPod shuffle for each one . . .

Friday, October 3, 2008

Pleasing a toddler

A toddler can be very difficult to travel with. Here are some great tips I have found to keep my youngest entertained...

Stickers work great! I put a whole page of stickers on her arms/legs and let her have a great time pulling them off, moving them around, etc.

A cupful of small ice cubes also works wonders...